MenuItem MenuItem

Name Type Attributes Default Description
title string The title of the item. If equals `divider`, then a menu divider will be rendered, and all other options will be ignored.
id string <optional>
A unique ID.
group boolean <optional>
When true, will be rendered as group menu item
url string <optional>
The URL that the user will be redirected to when this item is clicked.
disabled boolean <optional>
false When true, will disable this item (default: false).
onOff boolean | <optional>
false When true, will treat this item as an on/off checkmark.
params Object <optional>
Command params as a plain Object, which will be passed to the callback.
context Object <optional>
Plain Object of contexts to determine if this item will be visible (default: all)
Name Type Attributes Description
session string | Array.<string> <optional>
Allowed: `all`, `registered` and/or `anonymous`.
project string | Array.<string> <optional>
Allowed: `read`, `write` and/or `admin`.
callback function <optional>
Function that will be called when this item is clicked.